IPS Academy School of Architecture


Plantation Drive

Once a small bird told me,

Tree plantations would have been a spree,

Only if they could provide Wi-Fi signals,

Instead of emitting oxygen for free.

If they produced bucks in abundance

Not just prevent soil erosion

If, with help of the winds they exhaled electricity,

Instead of having great medicinal values that gives us immunity.

Once a small bird told me,

How tree plantations would have been a spree,

So it was decided and announced to take up the tasks

For which species to be planted was the question to ask

Trees that would act as shelter for the west winds,

Also to beautify the city was the idea behind.

Creating a panoramic view and invited more feathered creatures

What a relief! Now pollution wasn’t any more under tortures.

So plantation drives were organized not once or twice but thrice

Everyone in IPS rolled the dice

Planted saplings with eagerness and passion

That gave the academy a new dimension

A well-coordinated plantation drive in Indore was a magnificent success,

That was advised years back by Patrick Geddes,

Several trees were planted according to the climatic conditions

Seeded at every nook and corner of the identified sites, but surely with permissions,

Saplings of amaltas and mangoes were topping the list,

To make Indore stand out in the country was the gist.

From hard to eyes to soothing beauty,

These plants changed the view of the city.

To add few more to the list were ashoka and neem

Some flowering plants were also to deem

Three cheers for organizers for this great venture

With reduced noise and glare and beautiful vistas to capture.

With some care and awareness nature will flourish,

Contamination by bacteria and viruses will diminish

So plant trees and do your bit for nature

One day your off springs would thank you for the good gestures.

Tags: tree, plant tree, flowers, birds, architecture

About the author

Ar. Kamini Badnore

Asst. Professor, SOA, IPS Academy

Architecture : From Imagination to Reality

“One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again.” – Renzo Piano

The inception of the idea of architecture in a student who is fresh out of school is that of buildings and spaces. But as rightly stated by Architect Renzo Piano, Life begins again, ideas, chance and perceptions alter as they step into the new life of being architecture students.

Architecture is an exciting, demanding and rewarding field where one witnesses the materializing of their imagination. The simple yet unparalleled ability to visualize and manifest ideas where people lead their lives is a blessing not many individuals get the fortune of experiencing.

As an Architect myself and an educator with an experience of many years, I have seen generations of architects learn and grow. The fact that I am associated with IPS Academy’s School of Architecture has given me an inside look into the lives of students, transforming from being rough in their concepts to professionals with amazing capabilities and bright futures. The 26 years that IPSA has spent nourishing futures is a fete unparalleled. Our belief – Imagination to Reality – is what we strive to help students achieve in life. The simple act of perseverance is a quality of this institute which makes us stand out.

During these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the world is limited to their homes, and the times are changing. Conventional education is morphing and our old ways are being improved and tested with technology. The fact that this institute has the vision of being prepared with the necessary means to convey and share knowledge with the students at such a time as well is an extraordinary achievement.

Making the most of what we are presented with, working hard towards our goals and moving with a steady pace and disciplined manner has been ingrained in our minds. The teachings of our guru, Dr. G.V Kulkarni are what motivates us to move towards a better future.

One of the most important aspects of a student’s education is the resources which provide them with the necessary knowledge and help build their future. SOA, IPS Academy’s focus on providing the students with a roadmap to their success includes great infrastructure, facilities and resource centers. It is the place where students turn into responsible architects, and so the infrastructure is created and maintained to provide them with impeccable facilities.

Excellence is a habit and believing in that is instilled in us and our students. Truly being focused and yet experimental, our students bring several accolades each year. They make us proud. Having the honour of being a part of the IPSA family, we – educators and the students – combine our efforts to bring in laurels.

Tags: architecture, blueprint, IPSA, School of Architecture

About the author

Prof. (Dr.) Manita Saxena

Principal, IPS Academy (School of Architecture), Indore

Charisma of Architecture

Our sphere faced a massive Pandemic,
That created a great epic,
Many people died,
And a lot more survived,
Lockdown was the only key,
To stop this hierarchy.
Appreciate all architects, who built our homes that are safest.
Staying at home was considered useless, but corona has made it the best.

While watching a movie named ‘San Andreas’. I remember a scene and can connect it with the current pandemic situation, where the female character at the end asks Dwayne Johnson, after the disaster struck earth, “Now what?”, and the answer he gave took me over, he said “Now we make”.
Architecture mirrors the people and time; every structure built by man, has a cultural signature on it. Greek civilization pivoted on aesthetic and mathematical harmonies, as portrayed in their architecture, such as the Parthenon. Renaissance Italy built ornate public structures and palaces mirroring the region’s prosperity. In modern architecture advancements in the technology improves the productivity and creative calibers of architects.

Architecture is the mirror of our cultural spirit. As an architect I was always mesmerized by watching people experience design in the world around them and design also functions like a soundtrack. I also would like to mention that none of us anywhere in the world are immune from bad designs. So, I became an architect as I believed, it was about devising spaces for people to live their best worlds.
Here I connect the dialogue, “now we make”, as architecture impacts the greatest needs of the world as well as the simplest needs like an infant’s play area Architecture is not only aesthetics, but the social impact or contributions to society, it has a unique ability to dignify, it can make people feel valued, respected, honoured and seen. Visualize spaces that you reside or occupy how they make you feel? Do they make you feel unhappy, unhealthy or uninspiring? These places may be where you work, live or heal. So, thoughtful architecture points out how these places can be better designed with you in mind. Sometimes we are conditioned to feel like we don’t have much efficiency over spaces and places that we live, work or play. This can be elucidated by thoughtful designs that make people feel respected and seen. Architecture is to design with dignity. As law is to jurisdiction, well-being is to medication, similarly dignity is to design. We can say that buildings, as spaces of tales, stories of families, folks public residing there and working in those structures. Architecture is creating built forms that breeds a string of narratives and relations. The stories of the people sketch the architecture of a building and the architectures sketches those stories in turn. Architecture is how we can assemble things in a factual and functional way. So once the structural fabric is woven, and you see the design it cannot be unseen. Whenever you come across a beautifully sculptured edifice that makes an impression in your mind, it will make you feel that you want to become an architect. This renders the responsibility, inspiration and motivation to be an architect.

Once an architect said, “Practically every plan you draft will look something like what you build, but don’t count on it.” An architect must have practical approach, interpersonal skills, organizational skills and most important patience. Talking of patience, as an architect I could never keep calm and would always think things to be impossible until they were done! Yes, definitely the most dignified and glamorous profession and only comes with hard work and dedication. ‘We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.’ As said by Winston Churchill.

In the end I would like to say;
Architecture enhanced and embellished, that time has shaped,
Also with time, human response to this Architecture also heaped.
All novel ideas are replicated with self-expression,
Smart architecture is made with outright assurance.
Take pride in being an architect
Shape the spaces as buildings with people’s dialect
As architecture is highly elated profession,
Where designs define dignity and self-expression.

Tags: School of Architecture, Architecture, Building, Design

About the author

Prof. (Dr.) Manita Saxena

Principal, IPS Academy (School of Architecture), Indore